UN high level meeting on financial solutions for the SDGs
The UN Secretary General will host a high level meeting on financial solutions for the SDGs on October 10th in New-York to follow up on the Addis-Abeba conference and the implementation of the Agenda 2030.
The event will tackle the issue of financial innovation from a private sector point of view, raising the following questions :
What are the most effective means to better align the trillions of dollars of annual private investment with the sustainable development goals and their targets ? Can this approach be prioritized with regard to long-term investments made with funds from multiple domestic and international sources ? Can it be made to cover the full range of the 2030 Agenda – and might it reach into all countries, including the least developed and small island developing states.
Invited participants will include CEOs from the banking and financial community, representatives from finance and foreign affairs ministries, NGO leaders engaged in development and philanthropy, senior officials from UN system Agencies, Funds and Programmes.
29 september 2016