Since March 2013: Nigerian Presidency of the Leading group.
- February 6th 2013: 11th Plenary Session of the Leading group in Helsinki, under Finish Presidency.
- December 17th 2012: Event of UNDP and the Leading group in New York about a potential contribution to the reflexion on the Post-2015 agenda.
- October 11th 2012: Side-Event of the Leading group in Tokyo, in the margins of the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group, in association with the NGO Forum on International Solidarity Levies.
- June 22nd 2012: Side-Event of the Leading group in Rio, in the margins of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20), “Innovative financing for sustainable development”
- February 27th 2012: 10th Plenary Session of the Leading group in Madrid under Spanish Presidency.
- December 7th -8th 2011: Side-Event of the Leading group in New York, 5th High-level dialogue on Financing for Development.
- November 4th 2011: the G20 Cannes Summit Final Declaration underlines the role played by innovative financing, especially in the paragraph 82.
- June 24th-25th 2011: 9th Plenary Session of the Leading group in Bamako, under Malian presidency.
- December 20th 2010: adoption by the UN General Assembly of a resolution specifically devoted to “Innovative mechanisms of financing for development” (65/146).
- December 16th-17th 2010: 8th Plenary Session of the Leading group in Tokyo, under Japanese Presidency.
- September 21st 2010: High Level Side-Event of the Leading group, alongside the United Nations MDG Summit, New York. Signature of a declaration supporting a tax on financial transactions by several countries.
- January 28th – 29th 2010: 7th Plenary Session of the Leading group, in Santiago, under Chilean Presidency. Decision to set up a Taskforce on education.
- October 22nd 2009: Launch of the High-Level Taskforce on international financial transactions on development in Paris.
- May 29th 2009: 6th Plenary Session of the Leading Group, in Paris, France, recommending the set up of a Taskforce on international financial transactions and development.
- November 29th – December 2nd 2008: Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development in Doha: call for “scaling up” the use of innovative financing (§51).
- November 29th 2008: High-level side-event organised by the Leading group and opened by Ban Ki-moon, in the presence of several ministers from the country members of the Leading group.
- November 11th 2008: European Union Declaration on Innovative Development Financing.
- October 2008: Fifth plenary meeting of the Leading group in Conakry, Guinea.
- September 2008: Declaration on “Action against Hunger and Poverty”. Declaration on “Innovative Sources of Financing for Development”.
- September 19th 2006: Official launch of UNITAID at the United Nations General Assembly by the co-sponsor countries (Brazil, Chile, France, Norway United Kingdom) and signature of the agreement to have UNITAID hosted by the WHO
- June 2nd 2006: Presentation at the United Nations General Assembly on HIV/AIDS of the UNITAID international drug purchase facility project. The major principles of the project are backed by Brazil, Chile, Norway and France.
- February 28th/March 1st 2006: at the Paris Conference on Innovative Development Financing, 44 countries joined the “Leading Group on Solidarity to Fund Development” and 17 countries announced their intention to introduce a solidarity levy on airline tickets.
- September 14th 2005: At the Summit to review the Millenium Development Goals in New York, 79 countries supported the declaration on innovative financing sources co-sponsored by Algeria, Germany, Brazil, Chile, Spain and France.
- September 2004: publication of the Landau Group Report and the Quadripartite Group Report. On September, 20th 2004, at a meeting of the Heads of State and Governement in New York, President Lula initiated a declaration on action against hunger and poverty that was supported by 107 countries.
- 18-22 March 2002: Monterrey Conference in Mexico: The idea of “innovative financing mechanisms” is introduced in international debate.
- 2000: Millenium Development Goals.
12 June 2013